Friday, June 15, 2012

Chapters 33-39

Please share thoughts, questions, comments, anything about Chapters 33-39 in the comments below.

What did you think about the end of the book?  Do you think it was too abrupt as well or do you think it ended well?

Did you predict that the book would end this way with the war starting or did you think something else would happen?

Do you plan to read the next book to find out what happens?  What do you think is going to happen in the next book of the trilogy?

-Ms. Vandenbergh


  1. I thought the book ended too abruptly. I did not feel that it summed up the book well. To me, it felt like she stopped the book so she could make it into a trilogy and make more money. I feel the whole book was written to become a movie. Although I really enjoyed the book, I would have liked it more if she concluded the first book better.

    1. I do feel like the book ended too abruptly and the author's choice to do this was certainly influence by publisher's and money. However, I can't imagine where Roth could have included more about the background of the story. The story becomes too big for one book. I also don't see what could be taken out of Divergent to make room for more history.
      Miss Ronan

  2. Thanks for your post Allison, great thoughts!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I do think that I'll read the next book, Insurgent, because I want to know what happens to Beatrice. I think in the next book, there is going to be a full blown war, and they will show us which factions are on which side. I think that Beatrice may be in more trouble even though she is in the Amity compound.

    I actually thought that the book would have ended with Beatrice becoming a member and picking a job. I also thought that the book would go more into what it's like to become a member of Dauntless. Overall, I thought it was a good book.

  5. I thought that Divergent was a great book. It was very intriguing and original. However, it did end abruptly. I flipped the page to read more, because I thought it wasn't finished, but it was already over!
    However, I liked how the chapters ended. Some ended in an opinion Tris makes, or something she feels or senses. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it was interesting. My favorite part was after chapter 19, where she says, "Peace is restrained; this is free."
    Also, I liked how something was always happening. You were always waiting to know what happened. The author kept you engrossed it the book. I will definitely read the next book.

    1. I agree with Joyce. I do think that the book ended abruptly, but I think it was because Veronica Roth wanted to write another book with more details on the war. I think that every detail that Tris describes is important because it gives the reader a chance to be in her shoes.

      Also, I think that being a Dauntless helps Tris with self-protection. I think that if she was in any other faction, she wouldn't have the strength or the mind to retrieve the data and stop the soldiers. Dauntless training also teaches her self-defense which helps her get past all the guards and the weapons that could have killed her.

  6. Joyce, I loved that quote too! I haven't read the sequel yet, but can't wait to learn more about the other factions and hopefully more about the background of what drove society to be divided into them.
    Miss Ronan

  7. Off to Barnes and Noble to get the next book now! I agree with Allison about the ending- but I think it was because i didn't expect so many pages of additional info at the back. It honestly felt like there were more pages to read so it was a bit disappointing.

  8. I agree with everyone who said that it ended too abruptly. When I finished it on my kindle, I thought something was wrong and checked several times to make sure it really was the last page of the book. I was disappointed when I found that nothing was wrong and it actually ended there. The book in itself was amazing! It's cleverly written and thoroughly thought out. The characters were all interesting and unique, and Tris had an outstanding character development. I'm a little over halfway through Insurgent and I plan to finish it soon :)

  9. I think Veronica Roth ended the book abruptly because she wanted the readers to still think about the book even after they finished reading it. I still think about what Tris did, what she will do, and what will happen next.

    Also, I feel Tris is and will continue to be a dynamic character. She went from being a girl who was quiet to someone who was very bold. She went from being a girl who probably never even liked boys, to a girl who fell in love.

    In the beginning, she would always feel the urge to break out of her shell but would follow Abnegation rules and be very composed. By the end of the book, she put her own values first and fought for what she thought was right.

    I think that Veronica Roth wrote a terrific book. In fact, many people are waiting to read Insurgent which has about 200 holds at the library!
